StrongSling™ Tarps for Construction & Industry
The use of a lifting tarp includes many different risks, for example: debris spillage, overloading of tarp, tarp rupture, tarp failure, electrocution, fall from height.
An incorrect use of the tarp can result in serious injury or death.
Follow all of the instructions and guidance provided by Superchute. See adjacent Safety Notice. Call for technical assistance at any time: 1-800-363-2488.
Loose debris can inadvertently shift and spill from a hoisted tarp at anytime without notice, whether the tarp is full or empty.
Falling debris can seriously injure or kill any persons below the tarp.
Do NOT stand beneath a loaded or empty tarp. Keep away from the tarp at all times. See adjacent Safety Notice.
Refer to any related Superchute documents.
Be aware that debris spillage poses a serious risk of injury.
Be aware that debris can fall from the overhead tarp without notice.
Contact us
Local: (514) 365-6121
Fax: (514) 365-8987
Superchute® Ltd.
8810 Elmslie Road
LaSalle, Quebec, H8R 1V6
Business hours:
Open 8 AM to 5 PM EST, Monday – Friday